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Brad Kennedy
Human Resource Director
Central Office
Donda Kikendall
Data Coordinator
Eric Latham
JAG Teacher
Frankfort High School
Connie Lemley
Farm to School Coordinator
Central Office
Melony Martinez
Frankfort High School
Kimberly May
Frankfort High School
Alison Mazurak
Occupational Therapist
Second Street School
Travis Mcconathy
Teacher & CWTP Career Specialist
Frankfort High School
Morgan McDonald
5th/6th W.I.N.Teacher
Second Street School
Mindy McGirt
Special Education Teacher
Second Street School
Marian Moore
Preschool Instructional Assistant
Christina Murphy
Library Media Specialist
Second Street School
Megan Murray
7th/8th ELA Teacher
Second Street School
Lisa Netherton
Second Street School
Erin Peach
Middle School Instructional Coach
Second Street School
Joseph Peach
PTA Teacher
Kathryn Pearl
Central Office
Sarah Pearl
5th/6th Math Teacher
Second Street School
Mallory Pennington
Social Studies Teacher
Frankfort High School
Shane Perkins
District Custodian
Central Office